– Global positioning system tag – communicates with GPS satellites to establish position with high accuracy, but only when the tag or animal is on land or at the water surface – Fastloc Global positioning system tag – GPS tag for aquatic animals that surface or haul out, when the tag locks onto the GPS satellite network to establish position with high accuracy – Pop-up satellite archival tag – after some period of time recording sensor data, the tag detaches itself from the animal and floats to the surface where it uses satellite connectivity to uplink the data stored on the tag – Acoustic tag – attached to the animals being tracked emit acoustic signals (typically ultrasound) which travel through water much better than RF signals. These signals are then received by buoys, which can then use satellite communications to backhaul the data to where it’s needed.
Animals are fitted with sensor-equipped collars that collect information regarding their location, direction, and average speed (geolocation, acceleration, gyro sensors)
For habitat environment observation, monitoring sensors such as temperature, humidity, height, wind, light, and cameras are used
Light sensors – allows for the greenhouse lighting to be adjusted depending on the sun’s intensity, benefits of increasing electrical efficiency and cost savings of the entire system. Sensors for Volumetric water content (VWC), Bulk electrical conductivity (ECb), Temperature – Used to monitor soil moisture content
Machine vision camera and spectral imaging – helps growers track the growing process of their entire operation, give details on plant height, 3D leaf area, projected leaf area, digital biomass, leaf inclination, leaf area index, light penetration depth, and leaf coverage
Parking sensors (Infrared, Passive Infrared(PIR)) and Ultrasonic Vehicle Detection Sensors – Individual parking space sensors that gather and transmits information for management, payment and compliance monitoring
Pest control sensors on traps that provide accurate information on trap status, whether armed, unarmed, or armed without a catch.
Portable waste bin or portable toilets enabled with GNSS. Once data related to fill rates and temperatures of smart bins /toilets are collected, the sensors relay the exact location and other waste related information of the bins in question so waste management can send out SMSes to nearby garbage collectors to do the needed collection/emptying before harmful carbon emissions are released.
Sanitation devices connected with sensors provide ability to control water flow, paper consumption, air flow for hand drying, and aroma or cleaning chemical sprays on a timer that can be controlled by a single source
Smart Waste Bin with wireless ultrasonic fill-level sensors and other indicators such as temperature and tilt within waste container
soil moisture sensors – used to assess the water level in the soil temperature and humidity sensors – used to monitor the environment, which had a direct influence on the water level of the soil
The rodent sensors are placed in the high rodent-activity areas for inspection. When rodents pass through the location, infrared sensors trigger notification to all the relevant parties such as owner and pest management service about the rodent activity so that they can decide a plan of action of elimination.
Wireless Z-Traps are devices used to catch pests around the plants using pheromone lure. Pest count information is wirelessly passed along from up to 1 km away using a base station to the online cloud service. This information is used to study and determine where and how much pesticides will be required. Imagery sensors capture imagery data to identify the diseases in plants – RGB sensors – have three colour channels, i.e., red, green and blue, which can be used to perceive the biometric effect in the plants – fluorescence Imagery sensors – used to distinguish the photosynthetic activities in the plants – spectral sensors – capture images containing the spatial information of objects in multiple wavebands, used to analyse crops’ health and pest attack – thermal sensors – used to measure the water status in the plant by measuring the temperature Weather condition monitoring sensors, i.e., temperature, dew, humidity and wind speed, are used to monitor weather parameters to find a correlation between pest growth with weather