– Global positioning system tag – communicates with GPS satellites to establish position with high accuracy, but only when the tag or animal is on land or at the water surface – Fastloc Global positioning system tag – GPS tag for aquatic animals that surface or haul out, when the tag locks onto the GPS satellite network to establish position with high accuracy – Pop-up satellite archival tag – after some period of time recording sensor data, the tag detaches itself from the animal and floats to the surface where it uses satellite connectivity to uplink the data stored on the tag – Acoustic tag – attached to the animals being tracked emit acoustic signals (typically ultrasound) which travel through water much better than RF signals. These signals are then received by buoys, which can then use satellite communications to backhaul the data to where it’s needed.
* Temperature & humidity sensors * Volumetric airflow & fluid sensors * Mold sensors * Occupancy detecting sensors * CO2 demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) sensors – work with sensors that detect a building’s occupancy and adjust ventilation accordingly * Light Sensors tied to motorized window treatments can pick up on sunlight and adjust window shading during the course of a day
Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) beacons Typical uses: Warehouses: Automatic inventory of assets Indoor positioning: Tracking assets’ location automatically
LED sensors equipped to capture data around ambient light levels, temperature, occupancy, security, performance & energy consumption
Mobile Monitoring and tracking devices equipped with GNSS and other sensors (temperature, humidity, motion, shock, vibration, pressure, light/darkness) to monitor condition of the asset
Monitoring emissions from factories in real-time involves a variety of sensors and instruments designed to measure different types of pollutants. These sensors are often networked together and connected to a central monitoring system that collects, analyzes, and reports data in real time. This enables factory operators and regulatory agencies to track emissions continuously and ensure compliance with environmental regulations, as well as to make informed decisions about emission control and reduction strategies. Gas Analyzers: These sensors are used to detect and quantify specific gases in the air, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Particulate Matter (PM) Sensors: These sensors measure the concentration of particulate matter in the air. Opacity Monitors: These are used to measure the opacity of emissions from smokestacks, which is an indicator of particulate matter concentrations. Flame Ionization Detectors (FID): FIDs are used to measure total hydrocarbon levels in emissions. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) Analyzers: These analyzers can detect a wide range of gases and are particularly useful for identifying complex mixtures of pollutants. UV Spectrometers: Ultraviolet spectrometry can be used to measure specific gases like ozone (O3) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) based on their absorption characteristics in the UV range. Chemical Sensors and Biosensors: These are used to detect and measure specific chemical compounds in emissions. Temperature, Pressure, and Flow Sensors: These sensors provide additional data on the emission conditions, such as the temperature and pressure of the emitted gases and the flow rate of emissions.
Rain Gauges: Modern rain gauges often come equipped with wireless communication capabilities, allowing them to transmit data on rainfall amounts to monitoring centers in real time. Stream Gauges: Many stream gauges are designed to wirelessly transmit data on water levels and flow rates, providing crucial information for flood forecasting.Soil Moisture Sensors: These sensors can be equipped with wireless communication to send soil moisture data to a central system, which helps in assessing the risk of flooding, especially in areas prone to flash floods. Pressure Transducers: Used in various water bodies, these sensors can wirelessly transmit water pressure data, which is then used to calculate water levels. Ultrasonic Sensors: These can be set up to measure water levels and then transmit the data wirelessly to a central monitoring system. Anemometers: Modern anemometers can send wind data wirelessly to meteorological centers, contributing to broader weather pattern analysis for flood prediction. Tide Gauges: In coastal areas, tide gauges equipped with wireless communication capabilities transmit sea level data, which is crucial for predicting storm surges and coastal floods.
RFID Readers: E.g., Handheld Typical uses: Warehouses: Tracking assets that are packaged or inside a container Hospitals: Tracking asset locations automatically within a limited distance range
Seismic sensors used for monitoring of seismic activity in geothermal plants can enhance the safety aspect of power generation. Geothermal power plants are generally located near earthquake-prone zones and the ability to manage such power plants remotely is useful for employee safety. Vibration and temperature sensors are used in turbines and generators to monitor temperatures and detect vibrations.
Smart meters that collect granular real-time data across the water grid, LED light sensors to monitor water levels in tanks, pH sensors, temperature sensors and turbidity sensors in pipelines and storage and distribution tanks, volume sensor
Some of the key types of sensors used in urban air quality monitoring include: Particulate Matter (PM) Sensors: These sensors measure concentrations of particulate matter Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Sensors: NO2 is a common urban pollutant, often produced by vehicle exhaust and industrial processes. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Sensors: Commonly produced by industrial processes, SO2 levels are often monitored using ultraviolet fluorescence or electrochemical sensors. Ozone (O3) Sensors: Ozone at ground level is a harmful pollutant, and its concentration is typically monitored using ultraviolet (UV) photometry or electrochemical cells. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensors: CO is a colorless, odorless gas resulting from incomplete combustion. It’s usually monitored in urban environments using electrochemical sensors. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Sensors: VOCs are emitted from a variety of sources, including vehicle exhaust, industrial processes, and consumer products. Meteorological Sensors: These sensors measure environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction, which are important for understanding and interpreting air quality data.
Vibration sensors such as low-frequency accelerometers are mounted on the casing of the turbine and generator near the bearings and shaft. Water quality sensors (Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Sensor)
Wind Sensors (Anemometers): measure wind speed and direction, key factors in sandstorm formation. By understanding wind patterns, it becomes easier to predict the movement and intensity of sandstorms.