Device Description

Infrared Thermal Imaging: Used to map urban heat islands from a distance, often from airborne platforms or satellites. Networks of Digital Temperature Sensors: Deployed across different urban areas, these sensors can provide granular temperature data, highlighting variations within a city. Weather Stations: Often used in urban settings, weather stations can provide comprehensive environmental data, including temperature, which is crucial for studying urban heat island effects.


E2E Latency: Best Effort
Jitter: Not Sensitive
Data Rate: Very Low
Availability: High
Criticality: Non Critical
Communication Direction: One-way
Common Communication Mode: Unicast
Data Reporting Mode: Hybrid Driven
Mobility (type/speed): Fixed
Service Continuity: Not Required
Device Autonomy (Power Constrained): Yes
Connectivity Type: WAN
Priority Services (NS/EP): No
Guaranteed Service: NBR
Security: Medium
Lifespan: Long
Location Based Services: Fixed
Slice Type: uRLLC