Device Description

If a speaker has been installed in the UAV, voice messages from the disaster coordination base can be delivered to disaster victims via the cellular network, while the voice of victims can be picked up using the microphone mounted on the UA, and relayed back to the disaster coordination base.


E2E Latency: Moderate
Jitter: Sensitive
Data Rate: Medium
Availability: Medium
Criticality: Safety Critical
Communication Direction: Two-way
Common Communication Mode: Unicast
Data Reporting Mode: Continuous-based
Mobility (type/speed): Pedestrian; Vehicular
Service Continuity: Required
Device Autonomy (Power Constrained): Yes
Connectivity Type: WAN
Priority Services (NS/EP): Yes
Guaranteed Service: DCGBR
Security: Medium
Lifespan: Medium
Location Based Services: High Accuracy
Slice Type: V2X